26 April 2021

What is cloud load test?

Cloud load test is the creation of a web-based load test by simulating the operations of users on websites or web applications. We create your tests by simulating the transactions made by users from internet browsers.

We assume that these processes have been run and repeated by a massive number of virtual users. Therefore, you know what impact user traffic actually has on your website or web app.

The difference between cloud load tests from conventional load tests is they allow more location and resource usage. In this way, Loadviser generates results much closer to reality and makes the results more reliable.

Cloud load testing with Loadviser.


Naturally, we need to know how well the performance of the systems we are in, regardless of the industry. Since it is not an accurate approach to say the performance of a system is good or bad, we usually need numerical data. We perform performance tests on our systems to obtain the required numerical data.

When it comes to Performance Test, it should not come to mind that it can be done only at the application layer, because the performance test can be performed on the whole system, that is, in environments like database, network layer or operating system.

Loadviser is a free cloud load testing platform. With Loadviser, you can check your website/API performance, compare the versions of your website and examine your reports in detail.

First of all, one thing to do is to register for Loadviser for free. The rights are given to you after registration is as follows:

  • Unlimited test creation.
  • Unlimited test minutes.
  • Up to 100 parallel users in each test.
  • Up to 15 test minutes for each test.
  • You can instantly control and manage the load test and its results.
  • You can share your test results publicly.

The issues to be considered to get the right results from the performance test are as follows:

  • What is the project description and what are the requirements to test?
  • What are the functions and untestable functions to test?
  • What are the risks? (You should be especially careful about this part. Big problems may occur in the system as a result of incorrect operations!)
  • An estimate of the number of users accessing the system should be determined. (For example; 650 people may use the system; however, this does not mean that 650 people will use it at the same time and 650 people will operate at the same time. It is best to test the system as if 650 people will use it at the same time (worst case); however, it is necessary to agree with the customer on time and cost.)
  • What is your system aimed at?
  • What does it measure performance?
  • How should you take action as a result of the test?

Cloud load testing Results

As a result of this test, with Loadviser;

  • Response time,
  • Delay,
  • Performance score,
  • Shrinking assets (JS, CSS, HTML) ,
  • Optimizing images,
  • CDN evaluations for multiple locations,
  • System bottlenecks,
  • Ideal load for the system,
  • The maximum load the system can handle,
  • Ideal bandwidth for the system,
  • Ideal hardware structure for the server to broadcast the system,
you can improve your page load and increase your customer conversion rate with metrics.

It should be unforgotten that the more often the performance test is done, the more frequently the needs of the system are determined and met, the more beneficial it will be. The reason we are comfortable with the incoming loads is we run regular performance tests.

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